Friday, August 10, 2007

First Day Up!

A few weeks ago I came across an Internet story of a guy who traded his way from one red paper clip to a house! That's remarkable. I want to do it too! But...I don't think bartering would work for me; I want to work with cash instead of bartering objects. Then I came across a group of "doublers" who were doubling their way from one penny to a million dollars.

A bell went off: "Hey, that's something I can do." One penny doubled 28 times equals more than one million dollars. So I got really excited and during the next few days I picked up 28 coins off the street and I read a of lot penny doubling stories online. I also did a lot of Internet surfing and brain-storming for money-making ideas. Creating money-making ideas was the real fun part.

Life stepped in, I got busy and stopped picking up coins off the street. I put what I had in a tiny glass jar but I kept up the fun part and that's coming up with little money-making ideas.

I've decided to start again and this time I'm using a blog to keep track. Today I am starting with one penny I found on the sidewalk. So I have officially completed step one and I am now in step two.

I plan to complete the first steps with found coins and use the time during the doubling steps to investigate ways to grow the money. I have some doubling rules of my own. I'll write more about them over the next few weeks.

My first personal rule: I have decided that I want the end result to be grown from money that I have already earned and paid taxes on. I will save found coins and at a some point--and I haven't determined yet exactly in which step this will be--I will have the GREAT CROSSOVER and use my own money equal to what's in the jar. Maybe I will start another fund with the coins in the jar. I don't know yet.

My second personal rule: I plan to post at least once a week, a week being Monday through Sunday, whether or not I have increased the money amount since the previous post.


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